May is busy month with inspirational opportunities to worship our Lord here at St. Luke.
All Sundays in May include the sacrament of Holy Communion.
May 6 is New Member's Sunday, come and celebrate as we add to the family of God here at St. Luke. We will enjoy special music by the Cherub Choir. Following the service, we will have our semi annual congregational meeting in the sanctuary.
May 13 is Mother's Day and First Communion Sunday. This will be special day to remember/honor our mothers and to share in the joy of First Communion. Maggie Carkeet and Luke Wright will present a special offering
May 27 is Church Picnic Day, we will worship in the sanctuary, but all are invited to dress casual and stay after service for a cook out in the pavilion.
May 20 is a day to honor our High School graduates with prayers and gifts. We give thanks for our Sunday School teachers as this is the last Sunday for Sunday School until the fall.