Each Summer, St. Luke hosts a free week-long Vacation Bible School for children PreK 4 through 5th grade in our greater community. We partner with the local YMCA to offer VBS to their campers as well. VBS takes place from 9am to 12 noon.

St. Luke is transformed into a new & exciting learning space fitting the theme. No matter the theme, we reinforce the love that God has for all children. Past themes have included: Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for God; High Seas Expedition: Exploring the Mighty Love of God; Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind; Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness; Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light.

VBS volunteers include Mid & Senior SLY from our church, church members and other background checked adults from the community.

Kids will play games, act out Bible stories, sing songs, create crafts and certainly make new friends!