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Junior SLY is for 5th and 6th graders. In addition to participating in our Sunday School program, Junior SLY participates in St. Luke traditions like “God’s Work. Our Hands” service day, Thanksgiving Basket assembly, Brunch In Bethlehem, Easter Egg Hunt, and other fun games and activities throughout the year.

Every year, St. Luke is excited to welcome new confirmands into our family of faith! Confirmation is a two-year education and fellowship program for 7th and 8th grade students, preparing youth to be full members of the church. The youth at St. Luke must meet Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm. However, you can come as early as 5:00pm for an awesome Wednesday evening meal! We are so excited to introduce our confirmation curriculum…. re:form! Brought to you by Sparkhouse Publishers, re:form features absolutely hilarious short, animated films that frame the theological questions that youth really ask. There are lessons teaching the Old Testament, New Testament, Lutheran Traditions and Doctrine, as well as teaching theological questions based around the Bible, the creeds, discipleship, Jesus, other beliefs in the world, and tough questions we wrestle with in the faith. Each lesson is accompanied by leadership materials for our confirmation teachers to provide our classes with further information, as well as what is called an “Anti-Workbook.” As opposed to our kids sitting and filling in blanks on a page, the AWB’s are designed for our students to do in-class projects and activities to really get them critically thinking and involved in the discussions.We are thrilled to launch this new program this year and thank you for all your prayer support!