The Diversity and Justice Task Force is a proudly inclusive Christian community of St. Luke Lutheran Church. We encourage all members to participate fully in the life and leadership of the church regardless of age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, and economic condition, physical or mental ability. We believe all people are created by God to model the diversity in unity which is the Holy Trinity and we seek to live out that diversity in unity within the faith community.
The Diversity and Justice Task Force is a proudly inclusive Christian community of St. Luke Lutheran Church. We encourage all members to participate fully in the life and leadership of the church regardless of age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, and economic condition, physical or mental ability. We believe all people are created by God to model the diversity in unity which is the Holy Trinity and we seek to live out that diversity in unity within the faith community.
We affirm the biblical truth of every human being's inherent dignity and worth, as all people are created in the image of God.
(Genesis 1:27)
(Genesis 1:27)
We affirm that in the Body of Christ there is no distinction or hierarchy according to racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, or social identity and economic status.
(Galatians 3:28)
(Galatians 3:28)
We believe that unity in diversity is not only desirable, but essential to fulfilling God's ultimate desire for God's people, as expressed in scripture (Acts 2, Revelation 7:9), and thus an essential element of seeking God's will on earth as it is in heaven.
To educate the congregation and staff, To be advocates for the acceptance, full participation and liberation of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. To educate our congregation on human sexuality and inclusivity. To be advocates for dismantling racism in our church, and society. To educate our congregation on the ongoing structures of racism and to empower the church to speak for justice. To be advocates for the rights and dignity of
The Diversity & Justice Task Force has worked on the following tasks since its inception in July 2020:
- Black Lives Matter Rallies on church lawn
- LENT 2020 Social Justice Preaching Series
- Reconciling In Christ Handouts
- Graceful Conversations
- Monthly Newsletter Articles
- Intro to Reconciling in Christ with RIC Guest Speaker Lunch & Learn
- “TILL” The Emmett Till Movie Discussion
- D & J Church Brochure for St. Luke
- New Martin Luther Signs
- Inclusive Restroom Signage
- Reconciling Inclusion w/ Scripture (Clobber Verses) Lunch & Learn
- Poor People’s Campaign Rally
- 2 D & J Grants from Southeastern Synod
- Pervis Payne Letter Writing to Governor Bill Lee
- Bias & Its Impact on Welcome Lunch & Learn
- Rainbow Bulletin Board of 7 St. Luke Guiding Principles
- Prayer Vigil for Pervis Payne
- Rep on Southeastern Synod D & J Task Force
- Financially Supported Sensory Perception Disorder Equipment in Church Nursery
- Lunch & Learn with St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, an RIC church
- Pronoun Ribbons for church member name tags (optional)