On Sunday, June 9 we will dedicate our St. Luke Columbarium. In hope of resurrection the Church as always kept its dead nearby, building the first churches near the graves of the saints, and later surrounding church buildings with the graves of the faithful.
Our St. Luke Columbarium will be the resting place for cremains, the remains after cremation of the body at death. This will be a dignified and honorable place to remember loved ones. This option will also be a more affordable option than a commercial cemetery or columbarium.
Our next phase of this project will be adding landscaping and a memory garden around the columbarium. This project was a labor of love. Many saints contributed and made this columbarium possible. All are welcome to purchase a niche. Each niche can hold the cremains for two.
All are invited to the dedication, on Sunday, June 9 at 9:30 am. We will gather outside under the oak tree by the columbarium.
Pastor Cliff