Dear St. Luke Saints,
Today is Maundy Thursday, the day Jesus gave a new Mandate to Love one Another. I hope you can join us this evening as we remember the Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples at the last supper. At this meal Jesus gave the new command and then washed the disciples' feet. Tonight, we have a remembrance of foot washing. Tomorrow, Good Friday, we have a noon Way of the Cross service and an evening Tenebrae Service at 7 pm.
Holy Saturday is busy with the egg hunt at 10 am and Craft Fair. We will have our Easter Vigil service at 8 pm. Our Easter Sunday Services will be at 8 am and 10 am. The early service is led by our praise team and at 10 we have special music by your St Luke choir.
On Easter Monday we will host a Celebrate the Life of Pastor LaVonne Johnson, with a memorial service led by Pastor Jill Henning, Assistant to the Bishop. All are invited to attend the 5 pm service.
Come and join us,
Pastor Cliff Bahlinger