Holy Week and Easter at St. Luke
Palm Sunday is Sunday, March 24. We will begin with a procession of palms as we sing All Glory Laud and Honor. Our children shall lead us into the sanctuary with shouts of Hosanna in the highest! The Adult Choir under the direction of Doug Conwill will sing a special Palm Sunday anthem, we share in the baptism of Samuel Carlson and violinist, Marcin Arendt will offer a special offertory musical selection.
All are invited to join Holy Week Services at St Luke.
Join us as we contemplate the cost of discipleship and God’s great love for us. On Maundy Thursday, March 28, services will be at 12 noon and 7:00 pm. We remember the last supper Jesus shared with his disciples. We receive the absolution of our sins and hear the words of Jesus as he gives us a new commandment to love one another. Jesus’ new command is demonstrated in the washing of the disciple’s feet. Holy Communion is then celebrated as a gift that Jesus gave to his followers just before his arrest on the Mt. of Olives. Finally, we remember Jesus' arrest by stripping the altar in the sanctuary and leaving the service in silence.
Good Friday is the day Jesus died on the cross. It is a day of great sadness, but it is good in that through the cross Jesus delivered salvation to those who believe. Our noon service will be the Biblical Way of the Cross at 12 noon. Together we prayerfully walk in solidarity with Jesus on his agonizing Way of the Cross----from his last torturous moments to the Garden of Gethsemane to his death and burial. At the heart of the 7:00 pm, evening service is the passion reading according to John, which celebrates Christ's victory on the cross. As Jesus draws all people to himself, we pray for the whole world for which Christ died. Finally, we honor the cross as the sign of forgiveness, healing, and salvation.
Easter at St Luke will be wonderful! Once again, we begin our Easter celebration with the Easter Vigil Service on Saturday, March 30 at 8 pm. On Easter Sunday March 31, you are invited to bring flowers for the resurrection cross, as we celebrate our risen savior with music, song, and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Our service times will be 8:00 am with music by the Praise Band, and 11:00 am with music by our Adult Choir and Brass accompanist. Refreshments will be served in the narthex between services. Come and celebrate our Risen Lord at St. Luke this Easter morning.
Remember, St Luke church is a blessing to share! Invite a friend to Holy Week and Easter morning Services.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Cliff