"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
-C.S. Lewis
Imagine the joy of sharing St. Luke with one of your best friends and they turn to you and say, "I was looking for a church like this!" You would be so excited. St. Luke means so much to each one us. We are connected to God and to one another because of St. Luke.
On Sunday, September 15, we will have a "Friendship Sunday." This is your chance to invite a friend to St. Luke. If you can make the effort to invite a friend, we will work to make this Sunday extra special.
The truth is, some Sunday services are just better than others. Not all Sunday services are equal, some services run long, some have a hard message (we talk about money), and some are just low energy.
On Friendship Sunday we will start with Marcin Arendt playing a violin prelude, we will have the praise team lead the opening song, and we will end with favorite hymns, choir, and an organ postlude. As pastor and preacher I will do my best to deliver an engaging message that connects the head to the heart. After the service we hope your friends will stay for fresh coffee and special treats to eat.
In other words, we want to take away the guess work on what Sunday to invite your friends, coworkers or neighbors. The best Sunday to invite someone to St. Luke is Friendship Sunday on September 15. We even have nice invitation printed up, and we created a special web site for more details (www.stlukememphis.org/friendshipsunday).
If your friend is more of a worker, you can invite them to God's Work Our Hands Sunday on September 8. On this Sunday we leave the church grounds and go serve in our community. Note the time change, we gather for a commissioning prayer at 9 am and then go and serve. After we work, you are invited back to St. Luke at noon for great food and a cook out in the pavilion.
We are blessed to have a church home. St. Luke is a special place and it means so much to each of us. Remember, St. Luke is not ours, it is God's church, and God's church is for all people. So let's share the good news, St. Luke has room for us all, come and enjoy the blessings of spiritual growth for you and your friends at St. Luke.
In Christ +