Please join me in A Prayer after Charlottesville, based in part on St. Francis’ “Peace Prayer.”
Lord God, we pray that you would arm us with courage and compassion sufficient to the challenges of these days and make us heralds of your grace and instruments of your peace.
Where is hatred, let us sow love;
where there is harm, let us bring healing;
where there is prejudice and intolerance, let us offer understanding;
where there is enmity, let us be agents of reconciliation;
where there is despair, let us speak hope;
where there is doubt, let us spark faith;
where there is fear, let us kindle courage;
and wherever there is darkness, let us offer the light of your mercy that enlightens the whole world.
Meet us in our fear, Lord God, and embolden us to side always with the defenseless. Protect all who put themselves in harm’s way to keep others safe. Thwart the plans of those who harbor hatred and plot violence. Grant our elected leaders the wisdom to know what it is right and the courage to do it. And bless this nation and people that we might be a blessing to the world you love so much.
This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
We all play a part in speaking out against the sins of racism and anti-Semitism. We are also called to be a healing force in our communities. I invite you to join me in serving with God’s Work Our Hands Sunday on September 10 and the fall Habitat for Humanity fall build on Saturday, Sept. 16 and Oct. 7. You are freed in Christ to serve and these are two wonderful opportunities to put your faith into action.
At the August Council meeting I shared a presentation on United: Transformational Ministry. This is a church renewal and vitality process that equips congregations to make systematic and structural changes as part of a missional and spiritual discernment journey.
United is...
If you would like to be a part of the United: Transformational Team, please speak with me. I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for St. Luke to discern and plan for our future together. As a part of this process we will work with other ELCA congregations in Memphis and Nashville.
In closing, I ask for your prayers as we seek a Director of Music for St. Luke. We are so appreciative of all the music volunteers who contribute each Sunday as a part of the worship service. Service time will remain at 10 am until further notice. Sunday School each Sunday begins at 9 am, please join us.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Cliff