'Race: The Power of An Illusion" is a workshop that will be held at St. Luke, Saturday February 10 from 9 am - to 4pm. Lunch will be provided . Race is an important topic of discussion. Race has been used to divide people and group people, but is race real? Who defines a race of people?
We all know that people look different. Anyone can tell a Czech from a Chinese. But are these differences racial? What does race mean? Find the answers to these and other questions by attending this day long workshop. It is important for us as Christians to be able to honestly look at ourselves, the world God made, and ask how did we get to this point in our society? Pastor Cliff Bahlinger and Cathi Crimi, the chairperson of the Southeastern Synod Anti Racism Task Force will lead the video presentations and discussion. All are invited to attend.
St. Luke Lutheran Church 2000 Germantown Parkway, Cordova, TN.