Mighty and loving God, we pray for our nation and the plague of racism that threatens, destroys, and kills. Root out white supremacy wherever it takes hold. Release its grip on those lured by racism, lies, and false promises. Plant in our hearts and nation a willing spirit open to truth telling and healing.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Yesterday our country remembered Juneteenth, the day in 1865 when enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, found out they had been freed, two years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. It is important to remember the horrors of life in slavery. It is important for whites to acknowledge the abuse and tyranny of racism. God created all humanity as equal, yet white men with power, created a false narrative of oppression and greed. The more we can learn from past mistakes, the better we are able to stand against new forms of racism and prejudice. We pray that within our ELCA we can confront ingrained racism and build an inclusive community. The first step is to acknowledge and repent of the sins of the past, the second is to commit to creating the “beloved community” of Jesus.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Cliff