Cliff's Notes - June 13, 2024

From the Didache, An early church document:
Chapter 7 And concerning baptism, baptize this way: Having first adequately taught all these things, baptize into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, in living water. But if you have no living water, baptize into other water; and if you cannot do so in cold water, do so in warm. But if you have neither, pour out water three times upon the head into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. But before the baptism let the baptizer fast, and the baptized, and whoever else can; but you shall instruct the baptized to fast one or two days before.
The teaching on baptism in the early church calls for ‘living water’ to be used in baptism. Living water is an interesting term, and it means water from a stream or running water. As Lutherans we have always taught that the amount of water is not important. It can be a lot of water or just a sprinkle. What is important is the promise of God. In Baptism, God promises to include us in the family of God. God adopts us as a child of God. Water is a sign of repentance and washing. God’s promise is eternal.

Join us for the baptism of Jacob and Oliver McGhee on Sunday, June 16, and the baptism of Della Henshaw on June 23. Every baptism is a great time to renew our own baptism.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Cliff