Cliff's Notes - February 15, 2024


 Children of God, you are enough.

You are loveable as you are, and God will love you as you change and grow.

Lent is upon us. We have begun our 40-day season of penance and renewal. Your St. Luke worship committee has planned two mid-week Lenten services this year. Both Wednesday services will be preceded by a simple meal of soup and salad. We will have lunch at 11:30 am and service at noon. Then in the evening, we will have our meal at 5:30 pm and service at 6:30. Our mid-week services are 30 min. long, and they will follow reading in Acts with the theme, “Altered by the Spirit.” Please add attending one of our Wednesday mid-week services to your Lenten discipline. You will be fed physically and spiritually. 

Lenten Blessing,

Pastor Cliff